Saturday, March 1, 2008

Beer Hunt - Case Race Rules


- Teams of 3 to be selected at random out of hat (# of teams depends on # of people.)

- First 3 names drawn from hat will be labeled “captain.”

- Each team is given one case of beer (24), must be cans. (Bud Light.)

- Each team has maximum 30 minutes to decide where beers will be hidden and to outline a clue sheet (which will be used later in the game).

- Clue sheets must be detailed and somewhat easy to understand.

- If cans are hidden inside of something, you must specify this with a clue on the clue sheet.

- Beers must be hidden in groups of 4, there should only be 6 hiding spots.

- Hiding spots must be away from public eye to avoid problems.

- Teams will have a maximum time of 30 minutes to hide the beer.

- Teams must be at base to exchange clue sheets at end of 30 minute time period.

- Base will be determined the day of the hunt.

- Each team will receive ONE clue sheet from ONE other team.

- Your team’s objective is to find all 24 beers based on the clues from your given clue sheet.

- Boundaries:
- Can’t hide beyond stop-light at Blessed Sacrament/Pleasant Ridge.
- Can’t hide beyond Kroger.
- Can’t hide beyond any rail-road crossings.
- Can’t hide beyond Better Bodies.
- Can’t hide in or around anyone’s house.
- Can't hide in the cemetery!
- Can't hide in cars.

- First team back to base with all 24 beers from designated clue sheet wins!

- 1st place “captain” is awarded first pick in Case Race draft, 2nd place “captain” awarded 2nd pick of Case Race draft, and so on.

- Any penalties against rules/regulations of Beer Hunt will result in 5 minute penalties against that “captain’s” Case Race team during Case Race.


- Teams of 3 are chosen in a draft, order of draft decided by Beer Hunt results.

- Each team will receive a case (24) of beer (cans).

- All teams start at designated start time, jump starts result in 5 minute penalties.

- First team to finish ALL 24 beers wins.~ Penalties from Beer Hunt will pertain to beginning of Case Race.

- All teams are to stay in the designated area.

- If a player has to leave the area, ALL teams must be notified, and beer left behind. The referee must also be notified.

- All 24 beers of each team must be visible at all times, including empty cans.

- Players may not bong, shotgun, or consume 2 beers at once.

- Interference with an opposing player’s beer results in a 5 minute penalty.

- Dropping an open beer will result in a 5 minute penalty.

- If a player pukes, that player is immediately disqualified.

- 1st offense of cheating will result in 5 minute penalty of that player.

- 2nd offense of cheating will result in 10 minute penalty of that player + 5 minute penalty of that player’s team.

- 3rd offense of cheating will result in disqualification of that player + 10 minute penalty of that player’s team.

- For an official win, all 24 beers must be TOTALLY empty AND accounted for.

- Any offense of rules besides cheating offenses will result in a 5 minute penalty.